Cadrington M. Coleby, President

 Mr. C. Coleby has over 30 years experience as a Field and Quality Control Engineer.  The
first three years were as an engineering officer aboard
international and domestic ships..  
Upon coming ashore, Mr. C. Coleby went to work for the Water & Sewerage Corporation,
Bahamas, as a Port Engineer and a Commercial Manager.  Since 1999 he performed in
the capacity as Ground Water Extraction, Municipal Water Distribution & Marine
Transshipment Operations, Department Manager.  In 2006 he pursued the b
usiness of
CBA Engineering Ltd. full time.

 Mr. C. Coleby obtained a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Marine-Electrical Engineering
from the State University of New York, Maritime College in 1985 and a Master of Science
Degree in Shipping Management with a minor in Port Management (for developing
countries) from Humberside Polytechnic in 1990.

 Mr. C. Coleby is a licenced Professional Engineer on the Bahamas Registry, and a former
Chartered Engineer on the British Registry, since 1993.  He holds a Bahamas Junior
Second Engineer License for Motor Vessels of Unlimited Horsepower with an
endorsement to serve as a Third Engineer of Steam Powered Vessels of Unlimited
Horsepower.   Mr. C. Coleby is a member of  the Bahamas Society of Engineers and a
former Corporate Member of the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology


CBA is apart of a network of qualified engineers and contractors to provide specialized
expert knowledge on any project on an as-needed basis.  This allows CBA to provide more
competitive cost solutions for the client, while at the same time ensuring that the client
receives the desired expertise for intensive projects.
CBA Engineering Ltd.